March 20, 2015

Hallo Cantik... bulan Maret sudah hampir berakhir nih,, jangan sampai lewatkan penawaran Oriflame di Bulan Maret ya...

Untuk Melihat Katalog Klik disini

August 21, 2014

Weekly Youth Pay

Today I saw a Link shared by my friend on facebook. He said that if you register your account you'll get $ 25 sent to you by cheque. I click that link, and wooww... I get $ 25 just by registered my account to this website

Just Click it and get money..

March 2, 2014

February 1, 2014

More than a year

Hai haiiii..... sudah lama aku tidak posting. hehehe... sejak menyelesaikan kuliah, aku jarang hunting foto, soalnya banyak yg harus dipikirin :( . Terakhir hunting foto, pas aku pergi ke medan, itupun flash kamera holgaku rusak sampai sekarang belum sempat memperbaiki. Hasil fotonya juga belum di cuci.hihihihi...
InsyAllah secepatnya aku cuci scan filmnya dan shate fotonya ke blog. See youuu. Cupcup wawaw :* :*

February 17, 2013

Mine and Yours



Holga 135 BC + Kodak Colorpluss 200 + Hasmi Ardhie Feet

February 3, 2013

Just The Way You Are

"I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are"

Just The Way You Are - Billy Joel